Basic Adult and Paediatric Life Support Training (Including AED Training)

Package Price (incl. VAT)£19.95

Basic Adult and Paediatric Life Support (Including AED Training) - Section 1 (Primary Survey)

Key Learning Objectives

Who is the course for?

This course is aimed at healthcare professionals and others who share an interest in the modules or are required to know the basic principles of basic life support.


After completing this course, the healthcare professional should have the theoretical knowledge to be able to:

- Carry out a primary survey in an emergency situation
- Place a casualty in the recovery position
- Treat a casualty who is vomiting or choking
- Perform cardiopulmonary to the Resuscitation Council (UK) 2010 guidelines
- Recognise the difference between a heart attack and angina

This knowledge will be assessed through a multiple-choice question paper (self-assessment), and it is recommended that this theoretical knowledge is followed by optional, practical training.

Each section is concluded by a short test.
The course should take no more than 2 hours to complete.

This module is accompanied by Audio

Please ensure you have read every page of the course (numbered at the bottom of the screen) otherwise, you will not have the option of taking the test.

© 2013 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Basic Adult and Paediatric Life Support (Including AED Training) - Section 2 (Recovery Position)

This section covers:

- What is the Recovery Position
- When would I use it
- How do I do it

- This module is accompanied by Audio

© Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Basic Adult and Paediatric Life Support (Including AED Training) - Section 3 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)


This section covers:

- A review of the Primary Survey
- Resuscitation in adults
- Resuscitation in children and babies
- Resuscitation following asphyxia
- Vomiting

This module also includes AED training and the correct way to use a defibrillator.

- This module is accompanied by Audio

© Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Basic Adult and Paediatric Life Support (Including AED Training) - Section 4 (Choking)

This section covers:

- The difference between coughing and choking
- How to recognise choking in an ADULT
- How to treat an ADULT who is choking
- Choking in children and babies

- This module is accompanied by Audio

© Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Basic Adult and Paediatric Life Support (Including AED Training) - Section 5 (Heart Attack and Angina)

This section covers:

- What is a heart attack
- What are the signs and symptoms
- How do I treat it
- What is the difference between a heart attack and an angina attack

- This module is accompanied by Audio

© Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.