Blood Component Transfusion Training

Package Price (incl. VAT)£19.95

Blood Component Transfusion - Module 1

This course is for people that assess or manage transfusions and alternatives as part of their daily duties. It is useful for staff new to blood transfusion nursing, existing nurses refreshing their learning and non-medical prescribers for blood components. It is not suitable for staff in the specialist settings of Maternity, Paediatrics and Critical Care.

This module includes:

-Aims and objectives
-Why blood transfusions are done
-Who can prescribe a transfusion
-Blood types/components
-Patient consent
-Patient refusal
-Requesting blood components

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Blood Component Transfusion - Module 2

This module includes:

-Blood sampling
-Taking samples
-Infection prevention & control
-Waste management

© Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Blood Component Transfusion - Module 3

This module includes:

-Collecting blood components from storage and delivery to the clinical area
-Transporting blood components
-Confused samples/ incorrect labelling
-Returning blood components

© Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Blood Component Transfusion - Module 4

This module includes:

-Administration of blood components
-Transfusion of platelets
-Transfusion of Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
-Red cells transfusion
-Emergency blood loss
-Patient monitoring
-Mild reactions
-Moderate reactions
-Severe reactions
-What to do if there is a reaction

© Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.