Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Awareness Training

Package Price (incl. VAT)£21.95

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Awareness Training

Working with Display Equipment Screens (DSE) comes with risks that need to be assessed and managed by employers. This course will outline the employer's responsibilities concerning employees using DSE in their work. It covers the requirements for assessments of workstations and equipment by those working in the office and at home. This course will inform those working for an organisation and employing DSE workers about what measures they can expect to support them in their use of DSE equipment and about the employees' responsibilities.
Learning outcomes
This course will show how working with DSE can be managed, and risks avoided. It will include the requirements for employers and working practices in the office and those working from home. It will provide:
• How to reduce the risks from DSE use
• Recognising that incorrect use of DSE, poorly designed workstations or work environments can result in pain in the neck, back, shoulders, wrists and arms. It can also lead to general fatigue and strain on the eyes.
• How to recognise and prevent harm from DSE use
• Understanding who this ruling applies to

This course should take up to 2 hours and will provide 2 CPD Points

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