Online Modules 1 to 9, SOVA - Level 2 and POCA - Level 2 Training Package

Package Price (incl. VAT)£49.95

Complaint and Conflict Resolution

Please be aware that this course is included in Online 1-9.

Knowledge of the handling and management of complaints and conflict resolution in the workplace is another requirement for Health and Social Care Professionals.
This session will give you an understanding of these important issues.

Content will cover the following key areas:

Complaint Training:
- What is a complaint
- Types of complaint
- How to deal with complaints correctly
- Complaint responses
- Abuse
- Legislation
- Statistics: official complaints and unofficial complaints
- Complaint Training — Summary

Conflict Resolution:
- Conflict Resolution - Training Objectives
- Legal Definitions of Conflict
- Common Law
- Legal References
- Managing Patient behaviour - The Betaris Box
- Reasons for Communication Failure
- What is a conflict and when does it occur
- Warning signs to consider before the conflict
- How to respond to conflict
- Physical restraint, a last resort
- Conflict Resolution — Summary

This course is accompanied by Audio

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulation)

Please be aware that this course is included in Online 1-9.

In this module we explore COSHH and what implications it has that are relevant to Health and Social Care Professionals.

The content within this module includes:

- Introduction to COSHH
- Hazardous substances in healthcare and prevention of exposure
- Dealing with accidents and emergencies
- Maintenance and control measures
- Assessment review, recording findings, risk assessment
- Employee consultation
- Employer's duties
- Training Q&A

This course is accompanied by Audio

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Fire Safety

Please be aware that this course is included in Online 1-9.

This module examines fire safety procedures. On completion, you will be aware of your role and the role of others in relation to fire safety procedures.

The following areas are covered:

Introduction of fire safety procedures.

Fire alarms and all types of fire extinguishers and usage, fire blankets, hose reels etc.

Classification of fire extinguishers, including BS EN3 European standardization.

Ways of establishing local knowledge for evacuation and fire safety guidelines on behalf of the staff, clients and visitors.

Training Q&A.

This course is accompanied by Audio

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Handling of Violence and Aggression

Please be aware that this course is included in Online 1-9.

The goal and outcome of this module are to address ways of handling violence and aggression, paying particular attention to those issues relevant to Health and Social Care Professionals.

We will cover the strategies that you may choose to adopt in order to avoid and if necessary handle, violence and aggression within the workplace. As a result, both yourself and others will be better placed to feel safer at work.

This module includes:

What are physical and non-physical violence and aggression?

Bullying and harassment and the implications.

Harassment and assault by clients, patients or relatives.

Recognising early warning signals of violence to staff and risk awareness.

Self-defence, summary of control, compromise, fighting back or fighting free.

Training Q&A.

This course is accompanied by Audio

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Health and Safety including Risk Incident Reporting

Please be aware that this course is included in Online 1-9.

The aims of this module are to further your understanding of Health and Safety along two strands. The first is Health and Safety legislation and the second is your role and the role of others in relation to Health and Safety within the workplace.

The contents will cover the following areas:

Introduction to the Health and Safety training session.

Legislation roles and responsibilities.

Health and Safety Executive regulations.

Guidance notes and codes of practice.

Management of Health and Safety in the workplace.

Risk assessment (including risk reporting).

Examples of workplace hazards.

Bullying and harassment by members of staff.

Safe working practice. (Latex allergy, needle stick injuries/ sharp injury's, buying of new equipment).

Training Q&A.

This course is accompanied by Audio

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Infection Control and Standard Precautions, HAI (MRSA and Clostridium Difficile)

Please be aware that this course is included in Online Modules 1-9.

Infection Control and Standard Precautions, HAI (MRSA and Clostridium Difficile) training is mandatory for all Health and Social Care professionals working in direct contact with people who need care, treatment or support and who have the potential to spread infection.

The aim of the course is to help the readers understand issues related to infection control and prevention, ways of reducing the risk and controlling the spread of infection.

The course also discusses the responsibilities of workers, effective cleaning techniques, disinfection, sterilisation and handling of sharps, as well the importance of legislation and risk assessment relating to infection control.

All Health and Social Care Professionals need to be aware of the infection control procedures that apply in and around the workplace.

The session identifies:

What infection control is and its importance.

Why we need to contain the spread of infections.

What measures you can take to protect yourself.

Measures you can take to prevent the transmission of infections in the workplace.

Sources, routes and chains of infection.

Hospital-acquired infections (HAI) and epidemiological changes affecting HAI.

Universal procedures for prevention of cross-infection (hands, skin, clothing and equipment).

Training Q&A.

This course is accompanied by Audio

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Information Governance, Data Protection, Handling Patient Information, GDPR, Record Keeping and Caldicott Protocols

Please be aware that this course has been updated to include the 2018 legislation, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

In this module we examine the 'Information Governance, Data Protection and Caldicott Protocols' and confidentiality, focusing on issues that are relevant to Health and Social Care Professionals.

You will be made aware of your role and the role of others when it comes to confidentiality within the health care sector.

This module includes:

Introduction to Caldicott Protocols/ Caldicott Principles.

Professional codes of conduct.

Crime and national security/ the public interest exception.

The law concerning confidentiality and consent, including GDPR.

Basic rules of record-keeping.

NHS Confidentiality Code - requirements and code of practice.

Training Q&A.

This course is accompanied by Audio

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Lone Worker

Please be aware that this course is included in Online 1-9.

This module explores the personal safety issues of Health and Social Care Professionals with Lone Worker status.
You will investigate the strategies that you may choose to adopt in relation to personal safety both by yourself and with the help of your employer.

Key areas within this module include:

Defining 'Lone Working'.

Risks to Lone Workers and strategies for the safety of Lone Workers.

Planning ahead for your personal safety at all times and ways of informing colleagues.

Violence to staff/ known activities that carry a high risk.

Training Q&A.

This course is accompanied by Audio

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations)

Please be aware that this course is included in Online 1-9.

This module focusing on RIDDOR outlines the most important issues for Healthcare Professions regarding the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations.

This module includes:

Introduction to RIDDOR.

Under reporting of RIDDOR/ deficit in reporting.

Accident book/ examples of reportable and non-reportable.

Reporting death, major injuries, diseases, infections.

Training Q&A.

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Safeguarding Children and Young Adults (POCA) - Level 2


Risks posed to children through the act of abuse and neglect has been increasingly exposed by the press and by government sources. High profile cases have prompted a response to both a perceived and real threat that seeks guidance from key legislation.

As a result, all those in contact with children, particularly healthcare professionals, are required to be aware of this legislation governing Child Protection, the welfare of children, and understand one's own professional responsibilities. This course provides up to Level 2 knowledge and understanding of the principles held within the "Safeguarding Children" competency framework, including:

- An introduction to "Safeguarding"
- Key legislation encompassing Child Protection
- Professional responsibilities toward children
- How to recognise and respond to child maltreatment including but not limited to:
Modern Slavery, Child Exploitation, Child Trafficking, and FGM.
- How to handle information about a child and their guardian
- Information about the training framework for "Safeguarding"

The course will conclude with a short question and answer session to assess your learning.

Please ensure you have read every page of the course (numbered at the bottom of the screen) otherwise, you will not have the option of taking the test.

This course should take up to 2 hours.

© 2012 Updated 2023 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SOVA), Level 2 - Section 1

Health and Social Care Professionals working with adults are required to complete a training course for the Safeguarding of Adults at Risk (Vulnerable Adults), often referred to as SOVA.

This course will cover:

1. Legislation and official guidance references, including:
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SOVA) Scheme 2004
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
- No Secrets — The Protection of Vulnerable Adults 2000 & 2009 (official guidance published by the Department of Health and the Home Office)
- Care Standards Act 2000.
- The Mental Health Act 1983 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005 - The Mental Health Act 2007
- The Human Rights Act 1998
- The Equality Act 2010
- The Care Act 2014
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS)

2. Definition of the term ‘Vulnerable Adult’ and understanding of the context of safeguarding and protection from abuse

3. Different types of abuse, evidence and the key signs of abuse

4. Case studies and examples of how to respond to suspected or alleged abuse

5. Different ways to minimise the risk of abuse

6. Reporting abuse if there is a suspicion that abuse has occurred (recognising and reporting unsafe practices).

The course consists of three sections. Each section is followed by a test.

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SOVA), Level 2 - Section 2

This module will cover Types of Abuse- Physical, Emotional, Sexual, Financial, Institutional, Neglectful and Discriminatory, and we will look at some Case Studies. The module will be followed by a short test.

Please ensure you have read every page of the course (numbered at the bottom of the screen) otherwise, you will not have the option of taking the test.

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training program is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SOVA), Level 2 - Section 3

This module will cover Abuse Reporting and Prevention of Abuse, Risk Assessment and Health and Safety and the No Secrets Act and Rules, followed by a short test.

Please ensure you have read every page of the course (numbered at the bottom of the screen) otherwise, you will not have the option of taking the test.

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.